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Football – 1st Substitution

1st Substitution: offers predictions on the team or timing of the first substitution. The following betting options are available:

  • Team 1: For the bet to be won, Team 1 must make the first substitution.
  • Team 2: For the bet to be won, Team 2 must make the first substitution.
  • Both Teams Simultaneously: For the bet to be won, both teams must make the first substitution simultaneously.
  • No Substitution: For the bet to be won, no substitution must be made.
  • In the 1st Half: For the bet to be won, the first substitution must be made in the 1st half.
  • At Half Time: For the bet to be won, the first substitution must be made at half time.
  • In the 2nd Half: For the bet to be won, the first substitution must be made in the 2nd half.

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