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Darts – Offered Bets

In a Darts competition, players take turns approaching the throw line, making throws towards the target. In darts, players are considered participants in the competition if they have made at least one throw towards the target. Points are calculated after each player’s turn, and then the other player takes the turn. Depending on the conditions of a darts championship or tournament, the winner is determined by the player who has won the most legs or sets. The player who has won the most legs wins the set. The total number of points a player needs to score in a final attempt to win the leg is called the checkout. If the darts game ends in a tie and the “draw” result is not offered in the program (line), bets placed on the “Win1” and “Win2” results will be calculated with odds of 1 (one).

During a check-out, the player can score a maximum of 180 points if the triple sector “20” is hit three times.

Bets offered on the results of darts competitions: In darts handicap and total bets are calculated in legs (sets).

  • Bets: which of the players will finish first in the tournament (win the tournament).
  • The first player will win the competition – “Win 1”.
  • The match will end in a tie – “X”.
  • The second player will win the competition – “Win 2”.
  • The first player wins by the number of legs (sets) considering the handicap – “Handicap 1”.
  • The second player will win by the number of legs (sets) considering the handicap – “Handicap 2”.
  • Bets on the total number of legs (sets) in the competition – “Total above (below) the bet argument value”.
  • Bets: which of the players will achieve the first 180-point throw.
  • Bets on the total number of 180-point throws made – “Total above (below) the bet argument value”.
  • Bet on the number of points for the highest registered checkout in the competition to be above (below) the offered total value.

Darts competitions that have been interrupted due to technical reasons or for any other reason and have not been continued or finished within 24 hours are considered not concluded. If darts matches have been interrupted and are considered not concluded, bets whose outcomes have already been determined at the time of interruption and do not depend on the final result of the competition are subject to calculation, and all other bets are calculated with odds of 1 (one).

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