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System Bet

A system bet is a combination of a certain number of multiple bets. The maximum number of events included in the system bet is 16.

For this type of bet, it’s typical to allocate the same stake amount for each component (each multiple bet) and the same number of events included in them (in each multiple bet). The components of the system bet are calculated as separate multiple bets.

The total number of all events included in the system, as well as the number of events included in each component (multiple bet), should be mentioned beforehand.

To calculate the winning amount of a system bet, we need to sum up the winnings of all the multiple bets included in the system bet.

For example, let’s consider that we placed a system bet 2/3 (the total number of events included in the system bet is 3, the number of events included in each component – multiple bet – is 2) and the stake amount is $30.00.

The events included in the system bet are as follows:

  • Cruzeiro vs. São Paulo – Team 1 to win with odds 3.5
  • Remo vs. Paysandu – Team 2 to win with odds 2
  • Palmeiras vs. Santos – Team 1 to win with odds 2.5

The following combinations are formed:

Combination 1: Cruzeiro x São Paulo and Remo x Paysandu Combination 2: Cruzeiro x São Paulo and Palmeiras x Santos Combination 3: Remo x Paysandu and Palmeiras x Santos

Therefore, the stake amount for each combination is $10.00. $30.00 (stake amount) / 3 (number of multiple bets) = $10.00

The winnings for the multiple bets are as follows:

Combination 1: 3.5 x 2 x $10.00 = $70.00

Combination 2: 2 x 2.5 x $10.00 = $50.00

Combination 3: 3.5 x 2.5 x $10.00 = $87.50

Thus, the total winning amount for the system bet will be the sum of the winnings of all the multiple bets, i.e., $70.00 + $50.00 + $87.50 = $207.50.

In the case of predicting the results of 2 or more events incorrectly for the 2/3 system bet, the entire bet is considered lost.

However, if the result of only one event is predicted incorrectly, we will still have a win.

For example, let’s consider that the prediction for Remo vs. Paysandu (Team 2 to win) was lost, so all the components (multiple bets) where we included this event are considered lost (multiple bet 1 and 2), and only combination 3 wins.

Therefore, the total winning amount of the system bet is equal to the winning amount of combination 3 – $87.50.v

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